I just listened to a 45 minute talk by Seth Godin.  It’s the April installment of his Linchpin talks.  Anyway, it’s well worth a listen.  Below are my notes from the talk.  They aren’t complete and are very raw.

-700 years ago, nobody was ‘unemployed’. Some areas of the world
today don’t know what ‘unemployed’ is.
-Gin was one of the key elements of the Industrial Revolution, people were drunk all day. B/C “jobs” were alien.

-reverse correlation between the amount of ‘stuff’ in a populatio and how happy it is

-debt creates more debt, fear of losing things

-school teaches compliance, and that’s the only thing you use in the ‘real world’

-america is in shit not because of a lack of compliance, but because lack of entrepreneurship Read the rest of this entry »